我的液体黄金|My Liquid Gold
From Breastfeeding Today 2013 Issue 20 Julia Lehman Caldwell, N Hubbard, WI, USA 翻译|Chris 审核|Daisy、Shiuh-jane 呜哧、呜哧、呜哧 我的夏天是在一间漆黑的屋子里度过的。那里仅能容纳一个水槽,一把摇椅和一台整天呼呼作响的机器。那台机器是一个…
From Breastfeeding Today 2013 Issue 20 Julia Lehman Caldwell, N Hubbard, WI, USA 翻译|Chris 审核|Daisy、Shiuh-jane 呜哧、呜哧、呜哧 我的夏天是在一间漆黑的屋子里度过的。那里仅能容纳一个水槽,一把摇椅和一台整天呼呼作响的机器。那台机器是一个…
The simple answer is YES! Babies that are born pre-term have a special need for their mother‘‘s milk. If your baby was born earlier than expected, you are probably awash in a storm of feelings. Feelings of protectiveness come over you when…
The simple answer is YES! Babies that are born pre-term have a special need for their mother‘‘s milk. If your baby was born earlier than expected, you are probably awash in a storm of feelings. Feelings of protectiveness come over you when…