
母乳如何保护新生儿 How Breast Milk Protects Newborns

With permission from Jack Newman to post in LLL-China 经过杰克纽曼医生的同意翻译和转发到国际母乳会网站 From Dr Jack Newman (HUGE lactation supporter and doctor): 来自杰克•纽曼医生 Coronavirus 冠状病毒 The photos below show how, when a moth…

非母乳喂养的风险 Risk of Not Breastfeeding

Mary Kay Linge Staten Island  NY USA Report from the 2005 LLLI Conference 2005年国际母乳会会议报告 From: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 22 No. 5, September-October 2005, p. 208 Michal A. Young, a neonatologist at Howard University College of Medicin…

什么令母乳如此特别?What Makes Human Milk Special?

Sally Myer Nebraska From: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 23 No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 82-83 The most common reason mothers probably choose to breastfeed is the knowledge that human milk is the superior infant food. It contains live cells, like th…