
    • 书籍

(2006第12版)[Thomas W. Hale 译者:胡雁]


这本必备的综合参考书详述了目前所用药物对哺乳妈妈和婴儿的影响 。本书的作者是著名的临床药理学家Thomas W. Hale博士。这本千余页的书籍收录了超过868种药物、疫苗、维生素、病毒综合症以及其它药物的信息 。新版书增加的内容有:127种新药物,控制生育的药物附录,以及包含放射性造影剂的附录。

Medications and Mother’s Milk 2014
This must-have comprehensive reference details the impact of currently used medications on breastfeeding mothers and infants. Written by renowned clinical pharmacologist, Dr. Thomas W. Hale, this thousand plus page book is packed with information on more than 868 drugs, vaccines, vitamins, viral syndromes, and other substances. New in this edition are: over 127 new drugs; an appendix covering birth control medications; and an appendix covering radiocontrast agents.