如何说孩子才会听 怎么听孩子才肯说

    • 书籍

作者:[美] 阿黛尔•法伯和伊莱恩•玛兹丽施


本书提倡的父母的沟通技巧,是基于已故的海姆·吉诺特博士的成果,它强调了倾听孩子、用心感受、寻找方法代替惩罚 以及建立自尊。包含了许多有用的对话例子和生动有趣的卡通画。

How to Talk to Kids So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Communication skills for parents based on the work of the late Dr. Haim Ginott which stresses listening to your child, dealing with feelings, finding alternatives to punishment, and developing self-esteem. Includes many examples of helpful dialogues and cartoons to brighten your day.