夜间育儿 – 怎样让婴幼儿入睡

    • 书籍

作者:(美)威廉•西尔斯,玛莎•西尔斯 著


西尔斯医生解释了为什么婴儿的睡眠不同于成人,同享睡眠如何帮助全家人睡得更好,并鼓励父母要对自己的直觉有信心以及父母晚上要积极响应婴儿和幼儿的需求。新版书包括了同享睡眠如何降低婴儿猝死症(SIDS)风险的最新研究,提供了安全睡眠的诀窍——同享睡眠  ,并包括了夜间母乳喂养的好处的最新信息,以及常见夜间育儿困扰的建议。

Night-time Parenting

Dr. Sears explains how babies sleep differently than adults, how sharing sleep can help the whole family sleep better, and encourages parents to have confidence in the own intuition and to be responsive to their babies and young children at night. The revised edition includes the latest research on how sharing sleep may reduce SIDS risk, offers tips on safe sleeping‐sharing, and includes an update on the benefits of breastfeeding at night, as well advice on common nighttime dilemmas.