从怀孕到出生:新妈妈快乐孕育完全手册 Pregnancy to Parenthood

    • 书籍

作者:(美)琳达•戈德堡, 金尼•布林克利, 贾尼丝•库卡 著


对怀孕、分娩以及新生儿期等阶段进行探讨得出的综合结论都是强烈呼吁和支持母乳喂养。 全书300多页中有200页是专门关于孕期保健、阵痛和分娩的内容。大量的图表、23幅插图、项目清单以及卡通画使丰富的内容通俗易懂。
A comprehensive discussion of pregnancy, childbirth, and the newborn period that has mainstream appeal and features strong support for breastfeeding. Of its 300 pages, 200 are dedicated to prenatal care, labor, and delivery. Abundant charts, 23 illustrations, checklists, and cartoons make the wealth of information easier to digest.