




























Do I Need to Stop Breastfeeding When My Baby Gets Teeth?

Mothers are often curious about howteething will affect their breastfeeding relationship. Sometimes there isconcern that baby may bite, or that teething will cause breastfeeding to becomeuncomfortable. Some mothers may even consider weaning. The World HealthOrganization (WHO) recommends that breastfeeding continue for a minimum of twofull years, and similarly, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendsthat breastfeeding continue a minimum of one year, and as long thereafter asbaby and mother mutually desire. Some mothers may wonder how theserecommendations can be applied when most babies cut their first teeth duringtheir first year.

  It is important to understand that when ababy is latched on to the breast correctly, his lips are flanged and his gumsland far back on the areola (the dark area around the nipple). His bottom teethare covered by his tongue and do not come in contact with the mother’s areolaat all. For this reason, a baby who is latched on correctly and activelynursing cannot bite. However, if a baby is latched onto the nipple only, thebaby can clamp down and cause pain to the mother’s nipple. Good positioning andlatch-on techniques can prevent painful bites.

  Many mothers find the real challenge occursduring the time that the baby is actively cutting teeth, rather than after theteeth have erupted. Babies can experience significant discomfort due toteething and will sometimes alter their positioning or latch to avoid hittingthe sore spots on their gums. This can cause mothers temporary nipple sorenessor discomfort. Here are some suggestions that might help:

Before Nursing:

◆Offer your baby a cold,wet washcloth or a cold teething toy to chew on.

◆If baby is eatingsolids, offer a frozen bagel (or other hard, cold food). As with any food,watch baby closely to avoid choking, and discard the food once it begins to getsoggy and disintegrate.

◆Try massaging yourbaby’s gums with a clean finger.

◆Before usingover-the-counter gum numbing preparations, consult your baby’s doctor. Theseproducts may also numb baby’s tongue, and occasionally mother’s areola, makingbreastfeeding difficult.

During Nursing:

◆Try different nursingpositions and ensure that the weight of your baby’s body is well supported whenhe is latched on.

◆Make sure that babylatches on well every time. Gently remind him to open wide before latching on.

◆Before baby will clampdown on the nipple, he has to move his tongue out of the way or risk bitinghimself. The observant mother can be ready to stick a finger in the corner ofhis mouth so the clamping is done on the finger and not the nipple.

◆Read more suggestionsfor dealing with biting in our Biting FAQ.

After Nursing:

◆Consider rinsing yournipples with cool water, as some mothers find that baby’s increased saliva fromteething irritates the nipples.

◆Some mothers find ithelpful to apply a 100% lanolin preparation intended for nursing mothers.

  On occasion, baby’s new teeth can irritatein other ways. A mother may find that baby’s teeth leave indentions on herareola, or baby’s teeth scrape as he latches on or off. If this happens to you,it might help to:

◆Assure that baby openswide and latches on well.

◆Assure that baby ispositioned well, and his weight is well supported. Sometimes the weight of babycan drag down the nipple and contribute to the problem.

  Around the time that a baby gets teeth,many mothers introduce a sippy cup. Babies often chew on the spouts of thesecups and some babies might transfer this same mouth activity to the breast. Ifyou suspect this is happening, here are a few things to try:

◆Take a break from thecup for a while.

◆Try an open cup (wateronly for easy clean up).

◆Try a cup with a strawand lid.

  Many mothers find that continuing to nurseas their baby cuts teeth adds a priceless tool to their toolbox when the joysand challenges of toddlerhood begin. If you are still experiencing difficultiesafter trying the above suggestions, contact a local La Leche League Leader whocan offer more support and information during this milestone in your baby’slife.

Resources for Additional Information

THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING, NEW 8thEdition, published by La Leche League International, is the most completeresource available for the breastfeeding mother.


American Academy of Pediatrics PolicyStatement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk

World Health Organization Global Strategyon Exclusive Breastfeeding