


  • 先学习母乳喂养的基础知识。请参阅为母乳喂养做准备哺乳姿势含乳姿势建立奶量,以及如何知道宝宝是否吃到了足够的母乳这些资讯作为参考。

  • 出生后尽早、频繁地哺乳是开启母乳喂养之旅的最佳方式。然而如果你或宝宝有健康方面的问题需要母婴分离的话,这也不是说你一定就要放弃母乳喂养这个想法。

  • 如果其中一个宝宝或者两个宝宝都不能哺乳的话,用手挤奶可以最有效地收集初乳。如果你需要一直挤奶,用一个尺寸适合、有足够吸力的电动吸奶器会刺激出正常的产奶量。要安排白天每两到三个小时吸一次,每次吸两侧乳房,晚上至少吸一次。请参阅建立奶量

  • 产奶量是根据宝宝喝的(或挤出的)奶量来调节的。这就是为什么双胞胎的母乳妈妈通常能产出足够两个宝宝吃的奶量。


  • 一旦双胞胎宝宝回家后并且含乳吸吮都很有效,有些时候你给他俩同时哺乳就变得更容易了。然而,有时双胞胎要用枕头分别支撑住,好让你的双手自由地帮助每个宝宝正确地含乳。让两个宝宝一同含乳可能会让你觉得尴尬,多练习练习就好了。你可能想要或者需要一次哺乳只喂一个孩子。如果想同时哺乳两个孩子的话,让别人协助你调整姿势会很有用。你也可以考虑尝试不同的哺乳姿势

  • 在最初的几周内,把宝宝们从一边交替地换到另一边喂奶是很好的办法。例如,早上7点宝宝A吃了左边乳房,宝宝B吃了右边乳房。下一次喂奶时,让宝宝B吃左边乳房,宝宝A吃右边乳房。这对宝宝们的眼睛和头部的发育都有好处。由于左右乳房产奶量不一样很常见,让两个宝宝两边乳房都吃非常重要。




  • 尽量照顾好自己,饮食均衡,渴了就及时喝点水。尽可能地多休息宝宝睡时你也睡;即使两个宝宝不能同步小憩,你至少也坐下来休息一下。如果有人想帮你做饭、洗衣服、或者带大孩子,接受这些帮助是个好主意。

  • 恭喜自己竟然能同时养育两个小人儿!





Twins and More- Breastfeeding Multiples
When you learn you are going to be having twins you may experience a range of emotions from joy to worry. Suddenly you may find your expectations, plans and former decisions need to be changed. Your decision to breastfeed, however, does not have to change. Human milk is especially important for twins, who are often small at birth and need all the health advantages human milk provides. Breastfeeding can also help you create a special bond with both babies. Many mothers have nursed their twins with wonderful results. You can enjoy nurturing your babies in this special way, too!

Getting Started

  • Learn the basics of breastfeeding. See Preparing to Breastfeed, Positioning and Latching, Establishing Your Milk Supply, and How to Know Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk for information.
  • Nursing early and often right after birth is the best way to get a good start to breastfeeding. However, if you or your babies have a health problem that requires you to be separated, this does not mean you have to give up the idea of breastfeeding.
  • If one or both babies cannot nurse, colostrum can be collected most effectively using hand expression. If you need to continue expressing, a properly fitting, electric pump with sufficient suction will stimulate regular milk production. Plan on pumping both breasts every two to three hours during the day and at least once during the night. See Establishing Your Milk Supply.
  • Milk supply is regulated by the amount of milk that is removed by baby’s drinking(or pumping). That’s why nursing parents of twins usually produce enough milk for both babies.

Coordinating Nursings

  • Once your twins are home and latching and drinking effectively, it may become easier for you to nurse them together for some feedings. However, as individuals, twins sometimes pillows to support your babies so your hands are free to help each one latch on correctly. It may feel awkward to latch both babies on until you get a bit of practice. You may want or need to breastfeed one at a time. To feed them together, it can be helpful to have someone help you. Experimenting with different positions is also something to consider.

  • In the first few weeks, it’s a good idea to switch babies from one side to the other at alternate feedings. For example, Baby A takes the left breast at 7 am and Baby B takes the right breast. At the next feeding, Baby B takes the left breast and Baby A takes the right breast. This is helpful for the development of your babies’ eyes and heads. It is also common for one breast to produce more milk than the other so it is important that both babies have access to both breasts.

Night Nursings
  • You may find night nursings easier if you learn to nurse lying down. The position you find works best for you will likely depend on the size of your babies, your breasts and the length of your arms. You can nurse your babies one at a time or together, while reclining, lying nearly flat on your back or lying on your side. See Positioning and Latching. You can also get some ideas from the photos here or by contacting a La Leche League Leader.

Taking Care of Yourself

  • Try to take good care of yourself, eating well-balanced meals and drinking to thirst. Get as much rest as possible by sleeping whenever your babies sleep; even if they do not nap at the same time, at least sit down and rest. It’s a good idea to accept all offers of help with meals, laundry and older siblings, if you can.

  • Congratulate yourself for being able to nourish and nurture two little human beings at once!

Ambivalent Feelings

  • Before, during and after birth, some nursing parents of twins have mixed emotions about their “double blessings”. Unfortunately, they are often isolated from others because of bedrest or fatigue, or their negative feelings are not understood by those around them. These feelings are a normal reaction to a stressful situation and should not be ignored or discounted. If you find yourself feeling this way, know that you are not alone. It can be very helpful to talk to other mothers of twins.

Finding Support

  • All new mothers benefit from help, but mothers of twins need extra help. You will have the extra challenge of holding, carrying and going out with more than one baby. You may feel isolated, frustrated or nervous. The help and support of spouses, friends and relatives can make a big difference. Ask them to read How Partners and Supporters Can Help for ideas of what they can do. Remind them that you will likely need help throughout the first year and beyond and not just the first few months. If family and friends are not very available, you may want to consider hiring a “helper,” if you can. 

A La Leche League Leader can provide you with more information about breastfeeding. Leaders can often help you connect with other parents of twins. Local LLL Groups also offer valuable peer support during this incredible time in your life. Find an LLL Group here.





















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