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配方奶粉和母乳有不同的储存条件和允许保存的时间。 奶瓶(或杯子)里喝剩下的配方奶必须在喂养后丢弃,而喝剩下的母乳则可以在冰箱里保存1-2小时后再丢弃。如果把母乳和配方奶粉混合在一起喂但宝宝没有一次喝完,那就必须把剩下的奶丢弃。这会造成对母乳不必要的浪费。 将配方奶粉混合到母乳中会减弱母乳中的一些保护成分。 研究发现,在喂养前将牛奶配方奶与母乳混合后,奶中的溶菌酶(一种抗菌酶)的活性会显著下降(41-74%)。因此,奶中的有害菌——大肠杆菌的生长会显著增加。 配方奶粉中的成分在与母乳中的活性成分结合后使其更难被宝宝的身体吸收。 例如,配方奶粉中添加的铁实际上会干扰母乳中铁的吸收。 你可能会挤奶或使用吸奶器来增加你的奶量。 如果你的乳汁不够每次的喂养,可根据需求多次吸奶收集到足够的母乳完成一次纯母乳喂养,其他喂养时如需要再使用配方奶。你可以选择在哺乳后补充配方奶,也可以在哺乳前给予少量配方奶,哺乳后如需要再给予剩下的配方奶。 你可能因为母乳不足而经常使用配方奶粉。 在这种情况下了解配方奶对母乳的影响可以帮助你决定何时提供配方奶,何时提供母乳。 如果你有一个早产儿需要服用母乳强化剂,可以把它添加到挤出的母乳里。
Should you mix human milk with formula?
World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with continued breastfeeding for two years or more after the introduction of complementary foods around the middle of the first year of life.
Exclusive breastfeeding means nothing but breastmilk: no water, no juice and no formula. Many mothers are happy to know that their milk is all their baby needs in the first six months or longer.
You may be supplementing because you are not producing enough milk for your baby. Or you may be using formula for other reasons. In either case, you likely have questions about whether or not it is okay to mix formula into your milk.
It is recommended that formula not be mixed with human milk for the following reasons:
It is recommended that you feed human milk separate from formula to maximize the benefits of human milk.
Formula and human milk have different storage guidelines.
Any formula that your baby doesn’t drink from the bottle (or cup) must be discarded after the feeding. Human milk that your baby does not drink can be kept for between 1-2 hours in the refrigerator before being discarded. If you mix your milk with formula and your baby doesn’t finish the bottle (or cup), it must be discarded. This could lead to unnecessary wastage of your milk.
Mixing formula into human milk decreases some of the protective components of human milk.
Research has found that when cow milk formula is mixed with human milk prior to feeding, there is a significant (41-74%) decrease in the activity of lysozyme, an antimicrobial enzyme in the milk. As a result, there is a significant increase in the growth of the harmful bacteria, E-coli, in the milk.
Components in formula might bind to live components in human milk making them less absorbable by your baby’s body.
For example, the added iron in formula can actually interfere with the absorption of the iron that is found in human milk.
You may be expressing milk or pumping to increase your milk supply.
If you are not producing sufficient milk for each feeding, collect as many pumpings as necessary to make one exclusive human milk feeding and use formula at the other feedings as needed. You can give this supplement after nursing or you can give a small amount before nursing and give the remainder after nursing, as needed.
You may be using formula regularly because of a low milk supply.
In this case, knowing how formula interacts with your milk, can help you decide when to offer formula and when to give your milk.
You may have a premature baby who requires human milk fortifiers. These can be added to your expressed milk.
If you have concerns about your milk supply or any other breastfeeding questions, please contact a La Leche League Leader for information and support.
Quan, R., Yang, C., Rubinstein, S., Lewiston, N. J., Stevenson, D. K., & Kerner, J. A., Jr (1994). The effect of nutritional additives on anti-infective factors in human milk. Clinical pediatrics, 33(6), 325–328.
Mohrbacher, Nancy. (2020). Breastfeeding Answers: A Guide for Helping Families, Second Edition. Nancy Mohrbacher Solutions, Inc.
Updated 2022
Should you mix human milk with formula? | La Leche League Canada – Breastfeeding Support and Information (lllc.ca)
译者 | Sophie
审阅 | Victoria、笑仪、Lynn、何弢
编辑 | 李热爱
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 国际母乳会LLL