你换了体香剂、肥皂、香水、润肤霜等,宝宝闻起你来“不一样”了。 你一直压力很大(比如需要陪伴他人、重返职场、旅行、搬家、处理家庭危机)。 宝宝或者学步儿生病或是受伤了,让哺乳很不舒服(耳朵感染、鼻塞、鹅口疮、嘴唇破了)。 宝宝因为长牙而牙龈酸痛。 你最近改变了哺乳模式(开始了一份新工作、让保姆照顾孩子比平时多、由于忙碌而推迟了哺乳等)。 当宝宝咬你的时候,你反应过激吓着了宝宝。 你再度怀孕,奶量可能减少了。 你在排卵期,奶量可能会暂时减少。 当你和宝宝分开时,挤奶的时间越来越短或是次数越来越少。 你一直在生病和/或在服用药物(包括一些避孕方法),都可能对你的奶量有负面影响。 另外一个要考虑的因素是奶阵很冲或过多 (OALD) ,也就是你的奶水来得特别快而且喷得很猛,以至于宝宝不能很好地控制它。宝宝为了保护自己不被呛到会选择闭住他的嘴巴,抗拒乳房。
尽量不要对此有压力(说起来容易,做起来难啊)。宝宝也会感到压力的。播放舒缓的音乐,调暗房间里的灯光,尽可能多地去做肌肤接触。 在宝宝睡着、刚刚醒来或者昏昏欲睡的时候给他喂奶。我们在快入睡或要醒来时,处于更原始的精神状态,而母乳喂养是宝宝的一种生存行为,有时他们在这个时候会恢复到良好的喂养状态。 变换不同的哺乳姿势。 边活动边哺乳。这时可以用上背巾或背带。 对宝宝格外地关注并做肌肤接触。 在尝试哺乳的间隙,用背巾或背带抱着宝宝,以增加亲密感。 你躺在床上裸露着上身和宝宝玩耍,毫无压力地哺乳。只要宝宝寻找乳房,就随时邀请他吃奶。 在一个安静、幽暗、没有干扰的房间里哺乳。 先刺激出奶阵让乳汁流出来,再给宝宝喂奶,这样他就能立即得到奖励。 一起洗个热水澡,尽量肌肤相贴地依偎着,自在地哺乳。 花时间看看其他的母乳宝宝和学步儿。有时候,来自同龄人的压力可能是件好事!国际母乳会的聚会就是个观摩的好地方。游乐场或者繁忙商场里的哺乳室也很有用。
You changed your deodorant, soap, perfume, lotion, etc. and you smell “different” to your baby. You have been under stress (such as having extra company, returning to work, traveling, moving, dealing with a family crisis). Your baby or toddler has an illness or injury that makes nursing uncomfortable (an ear infection, a stuffy nose, thrush, a cut in the mouth). Your baby has sore gums from teething. You recently changed your nursing patterns (started a new job, left the baby with a sitter more than usual, put off nursing because of being busy, etc.). You reacted strongly when your baby bit you, and the baby was frightened. You are newly pregnant and your milk supply may be reduced. You are ovulating and your milk supply may be temporarily reduced. You have been pumping less time or with less frequency when away from baby. You have been sick and/or taking a medication (including some methods of birth control), which can have a negative impact on your supply.
Try not to stress about it. (So easy to say, not to do.) The baby will pick up on stress. Play calming music, lower lights in the house, go skin to skin as much as possible. Nurse the baby as he is asleep, just awakening, or is very drowsy. As we drift to sleep or awaken, we are in a more primitive state of mind and since breastfeeding is a survival behavior for babies, sometimes they revert to feeding well at this time. Vary nursing positions. Nurse when in motion. In this case, a sling or cloth carrier can be useful. Give the baby extra attention and skin to skin contact. Hold the baby in a sling or baby carrier between attempts to nurse to increase bonding. Lay in bed to play with baby while you are topless, with no pressure to nurse. Just the open invitation if baby searches for the breast. Nurse in a quiet, darkened room free of distractions. Stimulate your let-down and get your milk flowing before offering the breast so the baby gets an immediate reward. Take a warm bath together with lots of skin to skin snuggling and no pressure to nurse. Sleep together, giving baby easy access to the breast while sleeping. Spend time around other nursing babies and toddlers. Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing! A LLL meeting is a natural place to do this. Playgroups or busy store nursing rooms can also be helpful.
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 国际母乳会LLL