Sheila Davis, Alabama 希拉戴维斯,阿拉巴马州
Originally published in January/February 1982 issue of LaLeche League News
翻译:于莉宛 审校:Daisy, Missy
I have two older children besides mylittle Valerie. With each pregnancy, my mother would tell me how much closeryou feel nursing a baby. Each time I would reply, “I can hold my baby just asclose feeding him a bottle as I could nursing him.”
Well, I have no idea what promptedme to nurse this last baby, but during the whole pregnancy, I felt verypositive about nursing.
I needed several weeks to adjust toa nursing baby. I think Valerie could have nursed 24 hours a day. But after wegot into our routine, we both loved the time we spent together. As a matter offact, I came to really look forward to being able to stop and nurse her. Isuppose nursing gave me the excuse I needed to stop and rest.
I enjoyed nursing Valerie for about18 months, but then I started feeling confined. My husband kept talking about aweeklong trip—“just the two of us.” And I started feeling a need for freedom todo what I wanted to do. So, since Valerie had cut down on our nursing time, Idecided to “help her along.” Oh, I tried everything to distract her. Then, whenthat didn’t work, I just told her that we weren’t going to nurse anymore.
Sometimes she would get so angry atme she’d beat her tiny fists on me and cry. Then often I would go ahead andnurse her, but sometimes I wouldn’t. This went on for a couple of weeks, withher asking to nurse less and less frequently.
But I had the grouchiest baby ofanyone around. People had always mentioned how even-tempered and good she was.But now my baby had turned into someone I couldn’t relate to. She began havingtantrums and hitting and biting anyone who crossed her. Once cheerfullyindependent, she became a “clinger,” clutching at my skirt and whining all thetime. She seemed afraid to let me out of her sight.
A few weeks later, she came downwith a virus and asked to nurse. I tried to tell her that my milk was gone, butshe wanted to nurse anyway. Thinking that she would nurse for a minute, getdiscouraged and quit, I allowed her to nurse. She nursed for 45 minutes!
Since I probably had little milk, it dawned on me that all shehad wanted was me.So after thinking about it, I told my husband if she needed me that badly, thenshe was going to have me. And I will continue to nurse her until she wantsto stop.Oh, by the way, I’ve got my good-natured littlegirl back again!