Sometimes a mother decides to resume breastfeeding, whether due to an emergency when there is a shortage of other food, after a separation, etc. Often a mother can rebuild a milk supply very successfully, with patience and determination (and a cooperative baby). La Leche League‘‘s BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK (p. 52) recommends the following strategies for relactation and induced lactation, to stimulate milk production:
Putting baby to breast to suck at each feeding and for comfort between feedings as often as possible. 每次哺乳时让宝宝吸吮两边乳房,哺乳间隙尽可能频繁的让宝宝进行安抚吸吮。
Using a nursing supplementer (if available and if conditions are sanitary enough to make its use safe) to provide expressed milk at the breast while baby sucks at the breast.在宝宝吸吮乳房时,用哺乳辅助器(如果有并且卫生条件有保障时)提供给孩子事先挤出的乳汁。
Taking herbs/medication that increase milk supply. 用草药或其他药物增奶。请遵医嘱。
If you do use herbs or medications to increase your supply, be sure to put the baby to the breast frequently, to remove as much milk as possible. This will help avoid breast infections or plugged ducts.