Contact: Melanie Ham, Emy Machida, Yuwen Ren, Ursula Weitzel, Judit Hajba
Contact Ph# 13917124540, 13917484030 or
(September 2008) La Leche League 国际母乳会亚洲 (Asia) 对7000多因食用被三聚氰胺污染的配方奶而致病的婴儿表示深切的悲痛。数家中国企业生产的配方奶,和其它乳制品如,牛奶,酸奶,和冰激凌中都检测出含有三聚氰胺。食用污染配方奶已导致至少4名婴儿死亡,150多名婴儿因肾脏衰竭而住院,数千个婴儿因而致病。三聚氰胺常被使用作为一种化学结合剂,也做为一种添加剂用于化肥。因为其高含氮量,人为的将其添加在牛奶中可以增加蛋白质含量检测指标,但会导致肾脏疾病。
(September 2008) La Leche League of (Asia) was deeply saddened to read about the illness of almost 7,000 Chinese babies who were fed formula tainted by the chemical melamine. The chemical has been found in several brands of infant formula manufactured in China as well as in other dairy products, including regular milk, yogurt and ice cream. At least four babies have died, more than 150 have been hospitalized with kidney failure and thousands have been sickened after being fed contaminated infant formula. Melamine is a chemical which is meant to be used as a binding agent and is also an ingredient in fertilizer. Melamine artificially increases the protein profile of milk and can cause kidney diseases.
由于此事件已引发全球全面性召回中国 所出产的乳制产品。国际母乳会La Leche League International (LLLI) 强烈建议使用配方奶的妈妈们重新母乳喂养,避免遭到污染配方奶或者是不适当处方配方奶的影响,从而确保宝宝在这样一种灾难性的情况下获得正确的营养。
Massive recalls of dairy products manufactured in China are being conducted world-wide. La Leche League International (LLLI) strongly suggests that mothers with infants who are being given formula consider relactating to avoid possible exposure to tainted formula, improperly prepared formula and to protect their ability to nourish infants in case of disaster.
即使现在奶量已很少或没有喂过母乳,也可以重新启动母乳分泌,但此过程的确需要妈妈的决心和支持的给予。相关信息有关再度泌乳信息 ,可以在以下LLLI 网站 中寻找 甚至在已经产后几个月的妈妈们和领养婴儿的妈妈们可藉由重新启动母乳分泌已达成母乳喂养。
Although health professionals around the world advise breastfeeding as the best choice, mothers who choose to feed formula to their babies often do so believing that they are providing the best for their children. Marketing messages from formula manufacturers promote the belief that formula is equal or superior to human milk. These marketing tactics are prevalent even in developing countries where it is often difficult to properly purchase, prepare and store human milk substitutes. Beliefs in the superiority of human milk substitutes can become pervasive, resulting in mothers finding little or no support for their desire to breastfeed.
尽管全世界的健康专家都认为母乳喂养是最佳选择,但选择配方奶的妈妈们经常相信她们给自己宝宝的是最好的。配方奶生产商的广告宣称配方奶等同于母乳或更好。这些营销策略甚至盛行于在母乳替代品的购买 ,准备和储藏都很困难的发展中国家。那些配方奶优越性的信念变得很有说服性,从而导致妈妈们几乎找不到支持来协助她们母乳喂养。
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million children die every year because they are not breastfed. WHO estimates that no more than 40% of infants worldwide are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. A cornerstone of WHO’s and UNICEF’s Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding ( is the aim that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. After six months, it is recommended that breastfeeding be continued along with the introduction of locally available foods. For the first year of life and beyond, human milk provides nutrition and protects infants from disease. Research has demonstrated that the nutritional value of breastmilk, specifically the fat and energy content, continues well beyond the first year. There are many reasons that women choose not to breastfeed, including some medical conditions which are contraindications to breastfeeding. However, in the absence of such contraindications, providing women with information and support to be able to breastfeed is important.
Pregnant mothers need to know that while breastfeeding is natural, it is a learned behavior. Although many mothers and babies begin breastfeeding and continue on with no problems, this is not always the case. Mothers can find information to help them with their difficulties by contacting a La Leche League Leader or attending a La Leche League meeting.
怀孕妇女需知道母乳喂养是自然过程,不过这也是一们学习的艺术。很多妈妈和宝宝很自然的开始并毫无任何问题的持续母乳喂养,但并非所有的妈妈都会如此顺利。需要帮助和指导的妈妈们可以联系国际母乳会的哺乳辅导 或者参加国际母乳会的聚会.
Women in both affluent and developing countries need to have information and support to breastfeed their babies. Since 1956, LLLI has been offering this information and support. Mother-to-mother support groups now exist in almost 70 countries. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, published by LLLI, has sold over two million copies. LLLI’s web site reaches millions of women a year. For more information about breastfeeding or to locate a support group in your area, visit the LLLI web site at
不管是富裕国家的妇女,还是发展中国家的妇女,都有需要母乳喂养的信息和支持。自1956年起,国际母乳会就提供相应的信息和支持。母亲对母亲的支持小组已经存在于世界70多个国家。由国际母乳会LLLI 出版的”女性的母乳喂养艺术”一书已售出超过2百万本。LLLI 的网站每年有数以百万计的访问者。如需要详细了解您所在地区的支持小组信息请上以下网址。
国际母乳会LLL 在上海每月有中英文聚会活动。关于母乳喂养的益处和方法将在会上讨论。如需详细信息,请写email至。
北京, 2008年9月24日 – 联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处和世界卫生组织驻华代表处就三鹿及其他奶粉公司受污染婴幼儿奶粉事件深表痛心和关注。在食品生产和销售领域对公众的欺骗行为是无法接受的,故意污染婴幼儿食品的行为更应受到谴责。
Dale Rutstein(英文) 联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处 电话:(86-10)65323131转1301 电邮
刘莉(中文) 联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处
电话:(86-10)65323131转1303 电邮
Nyka Alexander(英文) 世卫组织驻华代表处
电话:(86-10)6532-7189转81281 电邮
原博雍(中文) 世卫组织驻华代表处
电话:(86-10)6532-7189转81282 电邮