一个未公开的秘密: 母乳喂养对母亲的益处

Alicia Dermer, MD, IBCLC
Old Bridge NJ USA
From: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 18 No. 4, July-August 2001, p. 124-127

Very few people are unaware of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies, but the many benefits to the mother are often overlooked or even unknown. From the effect of oxytocin on the uterus to the warm emotional gains, breastfeeding gives a mother many reasons to be pleased with her choice. These documented effects are outlined in this excerpt from Breastfeeding Annual International 2001, a recently published anthology which was edited by Dia Michels, co-author of the classic breastfeeding advocacy book, Milk, Money, and Madness. Both books are available from LLLI.
很少人不知道母乳喂养对婴儿的益处,但母乳喂养对母亲的好处却常常被忽略、甚至不为人知。从催产素促进子宫收缩到充满强烈情感的母婴关系,母乳喂养让妈妈有很多理由为自己的选择感到高兴。在最近出版的《2001年国际母乳喂养年度文集》中,摘录了已发布的母乳喂养对母亲的好处。该文集由经典的母乳喂养宣传书籍《牛奶、金钱与疯狂》的共同作者Dia Michels编辑。这两本书都可以从国际母乳会获得。

One of the best-kept secrets about breastfeeding is that it‘‘s as healthy for mothers as for babies. Not only does lactation continue the natural physiologic process begun with conception and pregnancy, but it provides many short and long-term health benefits. These issues are rarely emphasized in prenatal counseling by health care professionals and all but ignored in popular parenting literature. Let‘‘s look at all the benefits breastfeeding provides   mothers and speculate as to why so few are finding out about them.

Physiologic Effects of Breastfeeding
Immediately after birth, the repeated suckling of the baby releases oxytocin from the mother‘‘s pituitary gland. This hormone not only signals the breasts to release milk to the baby (this is known as the milk ejection reflex, or “let-down”), but simultaneously produces contractions in the uterus. The resulting contractions prevent postpartum hemorrhage and promote uterine involution (the return to a nonpregnant state).

Bottle-feeding mothers frequently receive synthetic oxytocin at birth through an intravenous line, but for the next few days, while they are at highest risk of postpartum hemorrhage, they are on their own. As long as a mother breastfeeds without substituting formula, foods, or pacifiers for feedings at the breast, the return of her menstrual periods is delayed (Lawrence and Lawrence 1999). Unlike bottle-feeding mothers, who typically get their periods back within six to eight weeks, breastfeeding mothers can often stay amenorrheic for several months. This condition has the important benefit of conserving iron in the mother‘‘s body and often provides natural spacing of pregnancies.
奶瓶喂养的妈妈们通常在宝宝出生时会接受点滴静脉注射人工合成催产素,但是在接下来的几天,是产后出血风险最高的时候,她们只能凭自己的力量面对。如果妈妈只有母乳喂养,没有替代的配方奶、食物和奶嘴,她恢复月经的时间常常会延迟(Lawrence and Lawrence 1999),经常可以好几个月没有月经,不像人工喂养的妈妈一般在产后6-8周恢复月经。这种现象对母体保存铁质有重大的好处,而且经常达到自然避孕,保持一定的生育间隔。

The amount of iron a mother‘‘s body uses in milk production is much less than the amount she would lose from menstrual bleeding. The net effect is a decreased risk of iron-deficiency anemia in the breastfeeding mother as compared with her formula-feeding counterpart. The longer the mother nurses and keeps her periods at bay, the stronger this effect (Institute of Medicine 1991).
妈妈身体分泌乳汁所需要的铁量,远小于月经中失血所流失的铁量。实际的好处是母乳喂养的妈妈患缺铁性贫血的风险比配方奶喂养的妈妈低。妈妈母乳喂养时间越长,闭经的时间越长,这方面的益处就越大(Institute of Medicine 1991)。

As for fertility, the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is a well-documented contraceptive method, with 98 to 99 percent prevention of pregnancy in the first six months. The natural child-spacing achieved through LAM ensures the optimal survival of each child, and the physical recovery of the mother between pregnancies. In contrast, the bottle-feeding mother needs to start contraception within six weeks of the birth (Kennedy 1989).
至于生育能力,哺乳闭经法(LAM)是被充分证明了的避孕方法,在产后头6个月有98%-99% 的避孕成功率。通过哺乳闭经法实现自然避孕,确保每个孩子得到最佳的生存保证,以及妈妈在两次怀孕之间体力的恢复。与此相比,配方奶喂养的妈妈就必须在产后6周内开始实施有效的避孕方法。(Kennedy 1989)

Long-Term Benefits of Breastfeeding
It is now becoming clear that breastfeeding provides mothers with more than just short-term benefits in the early period after birth.

A number of studies have shown other potential health advantages that mothers can enjoy through breastfeeding. These include optimal metabolic profiles, reduced risk of various cancers, and psychological benefits.

Production of milk is an active metabolic process, requiring the use of 200 to 500 calories per day, on average. To use up this many calories, a bottlefeeding mother would have to swim at least 30 laps in a pool or bicycle uphill for an hour daily. Clearly, breastfeeding mothers have an edge on losing weight gained during pregnancy. Studies have confirmed that nonbreastfeeding mothers lose less weight and don‘‘t keep it off as well as breastfeeding mothers (Brewer 1989).

The above finding is particularly important for mothers who have had diabetes during their pregnancies. After birth, mothers with a history of gestational diabetes who breastfeed have lower blood sugars than nonbreastfeeding mothers (Kjos 1993). For these women who are already at increased risk of developing diabetes, the optimal weight loss from breastfeeding may translate into a decreased risk of diabetes in later life.

Women with Type I diabetes prior to their pregnancies tend to need less insulin while they breastfeed due to their reduced sugar levels. Breastfeeding mothers tend to have a high HDL cholesterol (Oyer 1989). The optimal weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and good cholesterol profile provided by breastfeeding may ultimately pay off with a lower risk of heart problems. This is especially important since heart attacks are the leading cause of death in women.

Another important element used in producing milk is calcium. Because women lose calcium while lactating, some health professionals have mistakenly assumed an increased risk of osteoporosis for women who breastfeed. However, current studies show that after weaning their children, breastfeeding mothers‘‘ bone density returns to prepregnancy or even higher levels (Sowers 1995). In the longterm, lactation may actually result in stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis. In fact, recent studies have confirmed that women who did not breastfeed have a higher risk of hip fractures after menopause (Cummings 1993).

Non-breastfeeding mothers have been shown in numerous studies to have a higher risk of reproductive cancers. Ovarian and uterine cancers have been found to be more common in women who did not breastfeed. This may be due to the repeated ovulatory cycles and exposure to higher levels of estrogen from not breastfeeding. Although numerous studies have looked at the relationship between breastfeeding and breast cancer, the results have been conflicting. This is largely due to flaws in study design and lack of uniform definition of breastfeeding, resulting in difficulty comparing the data. (In some studies, breastfeeding has been defined as having breastfed at least once a day, while in others it is defined as exclusive breastfeeding, using no supplements or artificial nipples.) Despite this, it is now estimated that breastfeeding from six to 24 months throughout a mother‘‘s reproductive lifetime may reduce the risk of breast cancer by 11 to 25 percent (Lyde 1989; Newcomb 1994). This phenomenon may also be due to suppressed ovulation and low estrogen, but a local effect relating to the normal physiologic function of the breast may also be involved. This was suggested by a study in which mothers who traditionally breastfed on only one side had significantly higher rates of cancer in the unsuckled breast (Ing, Ho, and Petrakis 1977).

In two studies, there appeared to be an increase in flare-ups of rheumatoid arthritis in breastfeeding mothers (Jorgensen 1996; Brenna 1994). However, in another study, overall severity and mortality of rheumatoid arthritis was worse in women who had never breastfed (Brun, Nilson, and Kvale 1995). There have been no other studies showing any detrimental health effects to women from breastfeeding. Bottom line: Breastfeeding reduces risk factors for three of the most serious diseases for women-female cancers, heart disease, and osteoporosis-without any significant health risks.

Psychological Issues for Breastfeeding Mothers
How do you measure the peace of mind of having a healthy baby who is developing optimally? Where do you factor in the financial burden of formula prices and increased medical costs?

Public health agencies advocate for breastfeeding because of its well-documented health advantages to babies, but they fail to convey to individual mothers and families the potential emotional impact of this very crucial infant-feeding decision. In Western society, the decision about breast or bottle is still seen very much as a personal choice based on convenience. The potential stress of living with a child with recurrent illnesses, or the loss of the unique bond that comes from breastfeeding, are often omitted from the decision-making process.

There is much more to breastfeeding than the provision of optimal nutrition and protection from disease through mother‘‘s milk. Breastfeeding provides a unique interaction between mother and child, an automatic, skin-to-skin closeness and nurturing that bottle-feeding mothers have to work to replicate. The child‘‘s suckling at the breast produces a special hormonal milieu for the mother. Prolactin, the milk-making hormone, appears to produce a special calmness in mothers. Breastfeeding mothers have been shown to have a less intense response to adrenaline (Altemus 1995).

This calming effect is hard to measure in a society largely unsupportive of breastfeeding such as the United States, where breastfeeding beyond the early weeks is not the norm. Mothers who try to breastfeed in this climate often experience physical and emotional problems. These problems result from a lack of breastfeeding role models among family and friends, and are compounded by the easy availability of formula and a lack of access to knowledgeable and supportive health care professionals.

Even if a mother overcomes physical problems, she may still encounter negative comments, such as “Are you still nursing?” or “Your milk may not be strong enough-why don‘‘t you add formula?” Or her employer may make it impossible for her to continue breastfeeding on returning to work. Or she may be harassed for breastfeeding in public. No wonder that few mothers get to fully experience the relaxing effects of breastfeeding.
即使一个妈妈克服了身体问题,她可能还会遇到很多负面评价,例如“你还在喂奶吗?”、“你的奶已经不够营养了,为什么不加点配方奶呢?”或者当她回到工作岗位后,雇主可能使她无法继续母乳喂养。又或者当她在公共场所哺乳时,可能受到骚扰。难怪很少有母亲充分体验到母乳喂养对情绪的放松作用 。

New motherhood is a time fraught with emotion. The baby blues are common, often exacerbated by lack of support and a sense of isolation. The role of breastfeeding in postpartum emotional upheavals has not been well studied, but breastfeeding mothers with depression need treatment just as much as any other mother. Such women present a unique challenge to health care professionals. Since medications may pass into breast milk, many physicians believe the safest solution is to wean the child. However, in most cases of depression, women do better if they continue to breastfeed. Unfortunately, too often physicians insist that mothers wean their child in order to take antidepressant medicines.

A review of the literature, however, has demonstrated that several antidepressants pose minimal, if any, risk to the nursing child. A mother who feels that her nursing relationship with her child is the only thing going right in her life can now continue to breastfeed while receiving appropriate medications for her depression.

Why Don‘‘t More People Know How Good Breastfeeding Is?
Clearly, breastfeeding is good for mothers both physically and emotionally. And yet, many mothers decide to breastfeed based solely on the benefits to the baby. Breastfeeding in the context of a bottle-feeding society tends to be perceived as inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Often, mothers see breastfeeding as martyrdom to be endured for their baby‘‘s health. If they stop early, they may feel guilty about depriving the baby of some health benefits, but their guilt is often soothed by well-meaning people who reassure them that “The baby will do just as well on formula.” Perhaps if they knew that continuing to breastfeed is also good for their own health, some mothers might be less likely to quit when they run into problems.

Many mothers are not being told how good breastfeeding is for their health. Whether out of ignorance or due to the influence of the artificial baby milk industry, many health care providers fail to inform mothers of the facts. It‘‘s time for this well-kept secret to come out. As word spreads about these little-known facts, more mothers will not merely choose to breastfeed briefly to provide early disease protection for their baby, but will continue to breastfeed, providing optimal outcomes both for their children and for themselves.

Alicia Dermer, MD, IBCLC, is Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She has a special interest in wellness and health promotion. As part of this interest, she has gained expertise in breastfeeding education and promotion. She successfully sat for the certifying examination of the International Board of Lactation Examiners in 1995. She lectures extensively on the subject of lactation, is actively involved in health care professional and lay education about breastfeeding, and has several publications on the subject.
Alicia Dermer, MD, IBCLC,在新泽西州新不伦瑞克的罗伯特•伍德•约翰逊医学院、新泽西医学和牙科大学的家庭医学部任临床副教授。她对促进健康和保健方面有特别的兴趣。作为这个兴趣的一部分,她已经获得了母乳喂养的教育和宣传方面的专业知识。她在1995年成功参加国际沁乳顾问资格考试委员会的认证考试。她广泛讲授和哺乳有关的课题,积极参与有关母乳喂养方面的健康专业及非专业的教育,还出版了几本这方面的书。

(黄寅 翻译,Shiuh-jane、Daisy审稿)

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